This is me - Daizy Star. I live in Silver Street with my parents and 2 sisters. I am in Year 6 at Stella Street Primary. But I am in trouble. . . Have you ever told a little white lie and found that it turned into a great big one? Believe me, things can get kind of complicated. . .
This is Pixie - she's my super-cute little sis! She wants to be a mermaid with a shimmery green tail and a necklace made from seashells and she was born with webbed feet. OK, they're not actually webbed but they may as well be - she's amazing at swimming. She goes to a club called Little Seals every Thursday and is pretty much the best in the class.
This is Miss Moon - she is the best teacher ever! Miss Grimwood has been the Year 6 teacher since the time of the dinosaurs, but this year she's gone off to run a beach bar in the Costa del Sol. So we've got an amazing new teacher called Miss Moon! She's given Room 12 a major makeover and plays soft, swishy music in the background when we are working, She believes that we all have something that makes us special - some kind of star quality. I'm not quite sure what mine is yet though. . .
This is my mum - she works too hard! She's a nurse at the big hospital in town and she's always got lots of stories about the people on the wards. Sometimes, though, she is very tired and stressy after looking after so many people who aren't well.
This is my dad - he's gone a bit funny. . . Dad is a geography teacher at Green Lane Community College and he cycles to work. The thing is, he's gone from being pretty cool to full-on nuts just about overnight. . . and now he's got the worst idea ever. In the history of the universe. Something about feeling like a hamster in a cage. And I can't tell anyone about it, not even my best friends. . .
This is Becca - she's my perfect big sis turned moody goth girl. Her star quality is probably school work. She is the kind of girl who is always up to date with her homework, she plays the flute, she wears perfect school uniform and reads revision guides for fun. She wants to be a teacher just like dad. Well at least she did - now she's gone all moody and goth. . .
This is Murphy - he's one of my best friends. He's my best boy mate at any rate. He lives across the road from us in Silver Street. He wants to be a fashion designer when he's older and he's always trying out new looks. He wears cool clothes and has interesting haircuts and listens to strange-sounding bands on his iPod. Oh, and he has an obsession with custard doughnuts.
This is Willow - she's one of my best friends too. Willow wants to be a singer and she's always in the top swimming group with Beth and Murphy.
This is Beth - she's one of my best friends as well. Beth and Willow have been acting all gooey and lovesick over Ethan Miller. Beth wants to be a famous ballerina and wear a sparkly pink tutu and retire to run her own ballet school.
This is Ethan - he's the most annoying boy in school. He wants to be a striker for Man U Football Club. Over the summer holidays, his hair has turned blond and sprouted startling vertical spikes. He's also really tanned in a faintly orange sort of a way.
This is Spike - he's not as scary as he looks. His black hair is streaked with green and hangs down over his face so that it almost hides the metal stud that sticks out beneath his bottom lip. He's very tall and wears a long black coat and fingerless gloves.
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Coming October 2012!
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